Instruction to authors


AWT IMAGEInformation for Authors 

Information for Vaccine Research Authors

Please note:

• Authors should use online submission; in the case of a problem, you can send the manuscript to the

• One of the authors, designated as the “Corresponding Author” will be responsible for submission of the article and all correspondence throughout the peer-review process.

• In addition to the manuscript, a cover letter should also be provided by the corresponding author, stating the reason for publishing the manuscript in Vaccine Research and any conflict of interest that might exist. It should also declare that the manuscript has not been published or submitted for publication to any other journal and the approval of all the authors of the article content and its submission. The name, address and e-mail of the corresponding author should be included in the letter.

• The names, addresses and e-mails of 3-5 potential reviewers with expertise relevant to the submitted paper who are impartial and are neither a member of the same institution nor have published with any of the authors in the past 4 years, could also be provided. However, Vaccine Research does not necessarily contact the suggested reviewers for the peer-review process.

Open access

Vaccine Research is a free of charge journal and no APC is required.

Instructions for Manuscript Preparation:

Only electronic files (.doc and .docx formats, prepared by Microsoft Word) are accepted. The submitted text should be in English (double-spaced, font 12, Times New Roman). Divide the manuscript into the following sections, in this order:

Title page: Containing the title which should be definitive, succinct and provocative. This page should also contain the authors’ names (first name, last name in order of their importance in generating of the study). The last person on the list is normally the corresponding author marked by an asterisk (*); however in certain circumstances such as a manuscript based on a Thesis project with two supervisors/main advisers, the correspondence authorship may be shared by two persons. Other pieces of information that should appear on the title page are: Corresponding author’s institution address, e-mail, office Fax and Phone numbers (not mobile phone numbers). An abbreviated form of the manuscript’s title as the “running title” (not exceeding 40 characters including spaces) should also appear on the title page.

Abstract: The abstract should provide a summary of the article, limited to 250 words. For research articles, it should clearly state the background and the rationale of the study, the methods used, the main findings and the conclusions drawn from the study subdivided, into Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion. The use of abbreviations and references should be avoided.

Keywords: A list of 3 to 5 keywords, pertaining to the main content of the manuscript which should be placed after the abstract.

INTRODUCTION: The background to the study, citing pertinent literature and the aims of the investigation should be given in this section. It should also indicate the necessity and the contribution that the study makes to the field.

MATERIAL and METHODS: The names and countries of manufacturers of the materials and apparatus used should be given. The new, modified or the not well-known methods should be described in such a way that would enable others to reproduce the results. However, a reference to an established procedure will suffice. Statistical analyses reported in the article should be verifiable by providing detailed descriptions of the methods used. Please specify the software used for statistical purposes. A statement declaring the adherence to appropriate institutional guidelines for the care and use of animals should be included in this section. Furthermore, manuscripts dealing with human subjects must give a statement that informed consent was obtained from adults and the minors’ guardians.

RESULTS: A logical sequence in the presentation of the results is required and repetition of the data presented in the figures and tables in the text in this section should be avoided. The most significant findings should be summarized in the text. Tables and figures should be embedded in the “results” section, right after they are cited. The use of tables and figures should be limited to those absolutely necessary for clarification of the manuscripts’ argument in order to present the results concisely and efficiently and also to reduce the length of a paper. Both tables and figures should accompany a legend with an adequate description.

Figures: Each figure should also be submitted as a separate file, saved as TIFF format with minimum 300 pixels/inch resolution. Either black & white or color figures are acceptable.

Tables: Only double-spaced typed tables are acceptable (Do not use an image of a table).

 DISCUSSION: Repetition of the information and data already given in previous sections of the article should be avoided and the significant and novel aspects of the study should be highlighted, compared and contrasted with other relevant studies. Unqualified speculatory conclusions not supported by hard data should be avoided and the usefulness of the results obtained for future research should be explored.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Contributions of all those who cannot be included among the authors of the article but have made substantial contributions towards design, execution, analysis of data, drafting and critical revision of the manuscript should be mentioned in this section. Contributors of essential materials, strains and vectors, and the source of funding for study could also be thanked here.

REFERENCES: Sequential numbers in square brackets should be used for references in order they appear in the text. The authors are required to use EndNote software “Style: SpringerVancouverNumber” for managing their references.

This style can be downloaded from HERE

Example for journals:

5. Schwechheimer C, Kuehn MJ. Outer-membrane vesicles from Gram-negative bacteria: biogenesis and functions. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2015; 13(10): 605-19. doi: 10.1038/nrmicro3525
6. Wong G, Audet J, Fernando L, Fausther-Bovendo H, Alimonti JB, Kobinger GP et al. Immunization with vesicular stomatitis virus vaccine expressing the Ebola glycoprotein provides sustained long-term protection in rodents. Vaccine. 2014; 32(43): 5722-9. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2014.08.028S0264-410X(14)01151-7 [pii].

Example for books:

7. Sambrook J, Fritsch EF, Maniatis T. Molecular cloning. A laboratory manual. 2nd ed. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 1989. Cold Spring Harbor, USA.

Article style of VacRes can be downloaded from HERE.

The checklist for the submitted manuscript is downloadable from HERE


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