Vaccine Research- Call for Papers
Call for Papers

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  Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues

You are invited to submit your research manuscripts for possible inclusion in Vaccine Research (VacRes). The journal welcomes submissions of short communications, original and review articles and basic research studies of significant scientific and ethical standards.

VacRes is an official scientific biannually and one of the fastest growing publications of Pasteur Institute of Iran which has been approved by the Ministerial Commission for Accreditation of Iranian Medical Journals on June 14, 2015 during its first year of publication. VacRes is indexed at ISC (Islamic World Science Citation Center), IRANMEDEX and SID (Science Citation Index) databases.

The scope of VacRes includes:

• Human and veterinary vaccines (Prophylactic, therapeutic and plant-based)

• Vaccine technology

    - Vaccine development, efficacy and safety evaluation 

    - Immune responses to vaccines 

    - Vaccine vectors, adjuvants and immunomodulators

    - Vaccine production and manufacturing 

    - Immunologic studies and animal models

• Reverse vaccinology

• Synthetic peptides and novel immunogens

• Protein modeling 

Your work and time are of great value to us. We offer you a fast and thorough review by the experts in the field and an editorial decision within two weeks of the initial submission. We also offer free editorial services in terms of standard scientific content and English language. Following acceptance, a paper will be immediately published electronically with no publication charges.  For further information please visit our website: 

The manuscript(s) should be sent to,  

Topic URL in Vaccine Research website:
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